Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Thursday 1 march 2012

17 Muscles

If you're feeling rubbish, just force yourself to smile,
and if you don't believe me then just try it for a while.
First wiggle round your facial muscles, then you can begin,
to open up those luscious lips and flash a cheesy grin.
You have to keep it going, you can't just stop and glare,
you may just feel like frowning, but accept that life's not fair!
Do as you are told for once and force your lips to turn,
now give a little chuckle as you give a little gurn.
You may be looking odd as though your face were made of plastic,
but you won't care at all cause you'll feel totally fantastic!

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Wed 29 Feb 2012


Sometimes when I look at the world, it is so hard to understand,
Why there is so much suffering, is this really what was planned?
Free will is great, so we can choose if we do it,
But we got greedy and abused it and honestly, we blew it!
There is a great big holy God, in whom I put my trust,
And sometimes I wonder if he really has us sussed.
But he knows us and he loves us, though I sometimes wonder why,
And for us and our salvation, He sent his son to die.
When I feel weighted down with worry, wonder who will care,
The pressure is relieved because I know that He is there.
When I feel as delicate and fragile as a leaf,
To know that I am not in charge is frankly a relief!

Monday, 27 February 2012

Tuesday 28th Feb 2012

Life is Sweet

I have toothache and am feeling rather sad,
I am pitiful and wretched to the core.
The waves of pain are driving me quite mad,
I have toothache and am feeling rather sad.
The sweets were there, I kept on eating more,
I am like a man with man-flu, it’s that bad!
I have toothache and am feeling rather sad.
I am pitiful and wretched to the core.

Monday 27 Feb 2012

Love me, Love my Cobwebs!

Housework is really quite dull,
it is merely a means to an ends.
As I ponder and pray, I realise Hey!
What's a little dust between friends?!

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Poem for Sunday 25 Feb (posted early 'cause day of rest... four children and a husband,mmmm...)

When life gets you down and you’ve nowhere to turn,
Unsure which direction to take,
When needs must, turn to what you can trust,
Take my advice-and choose cake!

Friday, 24 February 2012

Sat 25 Feb 2012


No pressure, no stress, no need for posh dress,
Likes me no less, if my house is a mess.
Comfortable chat, curvy not fat,
And NO, our bums are not big in that!
Listening ears, inner most fears,
Plenty of tissues and plenty of tears.
Gallons of tea, fine just to be,
Stay up til 3 and laugh til we wee…

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Friday 24th Feb 2012

And breathe…

The morning begins like a whirlwind,
With everyone rushing about,
It is not possible to talk calmly
We must only converse at a shout!
Who needs a packed lunch and who’s done their homework,
Are friends coming back for their tea?
Please eat your breakfast, stop pulling her hair,
And stop acting like you are three! (What do you mean you are three.. stop arguing!)
Frantic teeth brushing, where are clean pants?
What is that terrible smell?
 I really don’t think that’s appropriate
To take in for your show and tell!
One glove, one school shoe, I don’t care if
She poked you while I wasn’t looking,
You need the ingredients right now to make
A stilton risotto in cooking?!
Why can’t we be like a normal family,
Who seem to ooze sunshine and joy,
They skip through fields full of daisies
With their angelic girl and good boy!
We burst through school gates in a flurry,
Faces already a mess,
Trying to give the illusion of calm
But sending out vibes of great stress!
Why me, I want to cry out to the heavens and
Throw myself down in great sorrow,
But sure enough, here I will be,
Doing the same thing tomorrow!

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Thursday 23 Feb 2012


Why do we fill our lives with stuff?
Seemingly never having enough.
Then we pass down our values, generations want more,
Why do we do it? Not really sure!
Maybe, just maybe we’re filling a space,
That aching inside us not shown on our face.
Do we just keep on going, and cover the mess
That we’re leaving behind in a land filled with stress.
Or do we open the tin, put away on the shelf,
And get out and share just a sprinkle of self.
So when we see others sink as they struggle to cope,
We could maybe just offer a heart filled with hope.
Here goes...

Poetic Pancakes

I never want to see another pancake,
Their greasy charm just isn’t very nice,
Will not let them pass my lips and leap directly to my hips,
NO! I’m sure a bowl of salad will suffice!

I never want to see another pancake,
I will not be seduced into their sect,
I am not within their power, just cause I ate twelve in an hour
And I’m sure that fruit would have the same effect!

I never want to see another pancake,
Eating them just really isn’t fun,
It is willpower I choose and with discipline can’t lose,
So will start from NOW… well maybe just the one!

Joking aside, this is intended to be a kind of creative discipline for me. I love words and have always spoken a lot of them(!) and written a lot of them. But, I go through phases and so want to challenge myself to be inspired by something every day. I write what is on my heart. I love to write and would maybe like to do more with it when I grow up(!) Therefore, your feedback is appreciated.